What You Should Know About Roof Restoration
There are several things you need to consider when considering a roof restoration. You must ensure that your roof is in good repair. If you live in an area with harsh weather conditions or falling debris, your roof may have experienced significant damage and decay. You should have all leaks and damaged flashing repaired permanently before a company can perform the work. Moreover, you should provide a core sample of the deck and the insulation. These areas must be free …
Roof Restoration: What You Need to Know
These are some things to consider before you start your roof restoration. Your roof must be in excellent condition. There should not be any moisture or decay and there should not be cracking or gaps between flashing or seams. If the roof is damaged or missing, it will need replacement. It will also require restoration to its original condition. You should be aware of these signs before starting. You should hire a larger company if you plan to restore a …